Your daughter just told you she has been selected to attend Virginia Girls State as a delegate. Congratulations! … and this means you probably have some questions. Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers!

Prepare to learn new things and be exposed to new ideas.
When does my daughter need to arrive?
Delegates will arrive by their ALA VA Girls State City assignment.
More information will be coming soon.
All delegates must arrive no later than 3:00 pm on Sunday, June 15. Please notify ALA VA Girls State Director, Emily Gregory (, if your daughter will be arriving after 3:00.

Every day is packed with new experiences.
Contact information for the week of Virginia Girls State
ALA Virginia Girls State office is in Upchurch Building. The emergency contact phone number is (434) 260-7439.
How do I address mail to citizens of ALA VGS?
Delegate’s Name
Virginia Girls State, ***** City
c/o Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville VA 23909

Arrive well-rested and prepared to learn.
What will she do during this week?
Girls State is first and foremost an exercise in citizenship and leadership. In order for any government to function, it must have the active participation of its citizens. Your daughter will have an active role in creating a city and state government. The delegates will be grouped into 14 cities. Each city will be responsible for making its own laws, drawing up a budget, creating a city charter, electing officials, and carrying out its governance. In addition, the fourteen cities will group together and form a state government. They will nominate candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General within their two party conventions and then vote as a state on the three young ladies who will lead them.

Prepare to learn new things and be exposed to new ideas.
Will my daughter have any free time?
Girls State Delegates are women on the move … morning until night. There isn’t much free time, especially in the beginning of the week. Building governments from the ground up requires a lot of time and energy. Cell phone use is not allowed in the auditorium or during city or state sessions. If you call during the day, don’t be surprised if your daughter doesn’t answer. An emergency phone number to the Girls State office will be posted in each city.

American Legion Auxiliary Junior Members have special responsibilities at ALA Virginia Girls State
If these delegates are building their own government, who is REALLY in charge?
There are at least two adult counselors assigned to each city. They act as leaders until the city government officials are elected; then they step back and act as advisors to the city. Along with the city mayor and city sheriff, they are responsible for the city’s behavior at all times. Thus, at least one of the adult counselors is with the city at all times; they also sleep on the same dorm floor.
In addition to the city counselors, there are other staff members working in the Girls State office, the Girls State store, and the Legislative office. Day and night nurses are on staff to handle any medical problems that might arise and a regional hospital is located only blocks away.

Virginia State Police participate during week of ALA Virginia Girls State.
What about security?
The Delegates are housed in dormitories on the Longwood University campus. The dorms are locked and accessible only by electronic key cards issued to Girls State staff and select Longwood personnel. The dorms remain locked at all times. The Delegates are NOT issued keys to the dorms, nor to their individual rooms. Should a girl bring any item which she wants to be secured, she can ask her counselors to lock it up in their rooms. There are also several Virginia State Police officers on staff who live in the dorms at Girls State; they provide extra security and help lead the activities. No delegate will be allowed to leave campus at any time and will be either with her city or in her chosen activity at all times.
What does my daughter need for the week?
We assembled this comprehensive list of things to bring. It is recommended that girls NOT bring any expensive jewelry or electronic equipment. Please make sure your daughter brings sheets, a pillow, towels, toiletries, casual and dress clothes, and comfortable shoes (there is a lot of walking). She will also need money for her city and state taxes (learn more about taxes at Virginia Girls State), as well as anything she may wish to purchase in the Girls State store.
You don’t need to worry about meals while your daughter is attending Girls State. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served in Longwood’s dining hall. Menus vary daily, but there are always fresh fruit and vegetable choices, and there is a salad bar set up for lunch and dinner. Any special dietary needs or allergies should be brought to the attention of the counselors and the nurse.

Citizens fold the flag each evening after retreat.
What if she forgets something?
There are staff members who go to local stores daily to buy items on behalf of the delegates. The delegates are able to pick up their purchases from the shoppers each afternoon. If your daughter needs something from home, it can be mailed to her. The address is:
Delegate’s Name
Virginia Girls State, ***** City
c/o Longwood University
201 High Street
Farmville, VA 23909
What if my daughter can’t stay the whole week?
Delegates should plan on attending the entire week. The events held this week are unique and are only available to rising seniors. If your daughter will not be able to attend the entire week please inform the sponsor as soon as possible so that an alternate delegate can be selected. Delegates should arrive on the Longwood University campus between 1 PM and 3 PM on Sunday. Final retreat and adjournment are scheduled for 10:30 AM the following Saturday. If a delegate chooses to leave Girls State for any non-emergency reason, she will be asked to refund the attendance fee to her sponsor.

ALA Virginia Girls State draws participation of 600+ outstanding rising high school seniors from the state of Virginia.
Are there scholarships available?
There are three scholarships available, the Samsung Scholarship (application must be completed on-line prior to arrival), the Nell Collins Hatcher Scholarship (application must be mailed in by June 1) and the Verna Vance Scholarship (awarded based on participation during the week of Girls State). Learn more about these scholarships.