In preparation for our upcoming and exciting week ahead, I want to first assure you that your health and safety are prime concerns. In accordance with Virginia Regulations which govern activities such as ALA Virginia Girls State, the following policy will apply to all medications for all attendees.
- Please bring all of your prescription medications in sufficient quantity for the entire week.
- All medications, both prescription and non-prescription, should be brought in their original containers, clearly labeled bearing your name, the medication name, dose, and frequency.
- All medications, both prescription and non-prescription, will be kept in a secure location, accessible through me or other designated clinic staff, for dispensing to you. The exception to this is limited to those who are required to carry epi-pens, inhalers, or other medications for emergent situations. I will need to be advised about this if you have not already contacted me. There may be a few other medications this applies to as well.
- You may bring a pill-box with you that can be replenished daily with no more than one day’s worth of “as needed” medications at any given time.
It will be your responsibility to present yourself to receive your meds at the designated time and place, and you should have your ALA Virginia Girls State badge with you. Under no circumstances will your medication be given to anyone else to bring to you.
There will be a refrigerator in the clinic dedicated to storage for those medications that require refrigeration.
If you have an injectable medication, you are responsible to also bring the needles and syringes required. You are also responsible for bringing any device such as a nebulizer or glucometer that you require.
If you have not yet contacted me with allergy information, medication that you require, or any other health concerns, please do so as soon as possible following your online registration using this secure email address:
Please also be sure to carefully read through the COVID-19 Policy.
Thank you for your part in adherence to and compliance with Virginia Regulations.
I look forward to meeting you soon,
Lisa Chaplin, DNP, NP-C
ALA Virginia Girls State Nurse
ALA VGS Covid-19 Policy