American Legion Auxiliary Junior Members have special responsibilities at Virginia Girls State
American Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girls State is a program of the American Legion Auxiliary. This outstanding program benefits our youth with dedicated members of the American Legion Auxiliary. As volunteers we give our time and talents to serve our veterans, our youth, and our community.
We encourage delegates and their family members who are eligible for membership to support this program by joining our organization.
How can you join?
Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is open to delegates of American Legion Auxiliary Virginia Girls State whose parents, brothers, or grandparents were in the Armed Forces of the United States during any of the following periods:
Gulf War/War on Terrorism | August 2, 1990 to date of cessation |
Panama | December 20, 1989 – January 31, 1990 |
Lebanon and Grenada | August 24, 1982 – July 31, 1984 |
Vietnam War | February 28, 1961 – May 7, 1975 |
Korean War | June 25, 1950 – January 31, 1955 |
WW II | December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946 |
WW I | April 6, 1917 – November 11, 1918 |

Junior Auxiliary Members may have special responsibilities.
The person through whom one desires membership must either be a member of the American Legion or must be deceased. Please visit vaauxiliary.org for a membership application. Follow the link to “Join” and download the application for the American Legion Auxiliary which is used also for Junior Membership. Applications are also available during the week of ALA Virginia Girls State.
The majority of communities in the Commonwealth of Virginia have an American Legion Post or Auxiliary which can guide you in your decision to join us. The average annual dues range from $25-$40.
For those who may not have an Auxiliary in their area, or, if you prefer, contact the Director of ALA VGS for information. Additional information can be found at vaauxiliary.org.
In addition, the American Legion Auxiliary of Virginia has an e-Unit which reaches out to all interested persons in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Meetings and projects are conducted through electronic communications. This affords flexibility to members who may not be able to attend “traditional” meetings held at Post homes or elsewhere.