Sunday, June 16 – Saturday, June 22, 2019
45 years at LU !

From left to right – Lt. Governor Zoree Jones, Governor Lana Al-Saloum, Attorney General Zoe Riddick
Elected Officials
Nationalist Party
Lana Al-Saloum of McLean High, McLean
Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 270
Lt Governor
Nationalist Party
Zoree Jones of Patriot High, Prince William County
Sponsored by American Legion Unit 10
Attorney General
Nationalist Party
Zoe Riddick of Lakeland High, Suffolk
Sponsored by Suffolk Ruritan Club
Virginia’s Girls Nation Senators
Celeste Pollack of Fauquier High, Warrenton
Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 247 Remington

Virginia Girls State Senators
Celeste Pollack and Skyla Bailey
Skyla Bailey of York High, York County
Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Unit 67
Samsung Scholarship Winner
Grace Maloney of Freedom High, Loudoun
Sponsored by American Legion Post 2001
Verna Vance Scholarship Winner
Nigeria Ball from Northumberland High, Reedville
Sponsored by American Legion Reedville
Nell Collin Hatcher Scholarship Winner
Punnammal Gross from North Stafford High, Stafford
Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Stafford Unit 290
Model City
Crush, counselors Megan and Lilly Church
The 69th Session of Virginia Girls State is made possible in part, due to the generous contributions from these organizations.
Photo Gallery

Convention fever!

Gov. Northam with the 2018 VGS Governor Candice Mulinda and ALA Juniors Hope Swindler, Chloe Hudson, Mia Freeman and Emilee Waldrop

Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax and ALA VGS Director Anne Starke

Atty General Mark Herring with ALA Juniors Emily Waltrop, Hope Swindler, Chloe Hudson and Mia Freeman

Cities gather

The city of Wilson

Develop friendships that last a lifetime

The city of Draper

Learn while doing

Develop friendships that last a lifetime

Develop friendships that last a lifetime

The College Fair provides an opportunity to explore options

The College Fair provides an opportunity to explore options

The College Fair provides an opportunity to explore options

2018 ALA VGS Governor addresses the 2019 delegates

2019 ALA VGS Chorus

ALA Virginia Girls State 2019
Staff Photo

Virginia Girls State could not exist without its dedicated volunteers
City Photos













